

Fires №4 2013
09.08.2013, 16:54


Год / месяц: 2013/7-8
Номер: 4
Страниц: 64
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 13.84 MB

The Fires Bulletin is a joint professional publication for U.S. Artillery professionals

The 2013 Fires Seminar: Fires 2020
By MG Mark McDonald 4
The Field Artillery Force of 2020
By BG Brian J. McKiernan 6
Air Defense Artillery: Fires 2020
By Col(P) Don Fryc 10
The 2013 State of Fires
By Shirley Dismuke 14
Shifting Back to Known Points:
Field Artillery Battery Preparation for the Decisive Action Fight
By CPT Joseph R. Power 16
Joint Fires Training
By LTC Joe Hilbert 23
The G-1 Perspective
By Shirley Dismuke 28
Fires 2020: Land and Cyber
By Jennifer M. McFadden 30
Confronting Digital Apathy
By CPT Michael Wentz 32
Flight Test Integrated - 01
By 1LT David M. Wren 35
Fires Force Future Concepts
By Paul E. Jiron 37
Precision Fires, Rocket and Missile Systems Project Manager’s Update
By COL Gary Stephens 42
Aerostat/JLENS Distiction
By Anthony W. Allen 46
On Time On Target
By CPT Gregory Fassett, CPT Walter Kruse and CPT Blake Wallick 52
Enduring Lessons from the Father of Modern Fires Planning
By MAJ Wilison C. Blythe 58
Field Artillery / Air Defense Artillery Changes of Command 61
Fires Seminar: Photo Recap 62

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Категория: Fires | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Artillery, Fires
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