

American Armoured Cars 1940-1945
28.03.2012, 15:14

American Armoured Cars 1940-1945

Автор: Chris Ellis, Peter Chamberlain

Издательство: Almarks Publications
Серия: Weapon Series
Год издания: 1969
Язык: English
Количество страниц: 27
Формат: PDF
Размер: 4,9 MB

This publication tells the story of the armoured cars produced in America in the years 1940-45, the only period of really concentrated development of this class of vehicle· in the history of U.S. armoured forces . Divided broadly into two parts , Part 1 tells the overall development story , putting each project and prototype into perspective and illustrating most of the prototype vehicles, while Part 2 provides a more detailed description of each of the U.S. armoured car designs which was standardised or achieved production status . Scale drawings of the most important types are given to constant 1 : 48 and 1 : 76 scales and the opportunity is taken to give extensive picture coverage of value to modellers in particula.r but also, of course, of interest to a ll armour enthusiasts. The colour drawings by Kenneth M. Jones show marking schemes for specific vehicles.

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