

The American Provincial Corps 1775-1784
07.01.2003, 03:00

The American Provincial Corps 1775-1784.
 Год выпуска: 1973.
 Автор: Philip R. N. Katcher.
 Издательство/ Серия: Osprey Publishing/Men At Arms
 Язык: Английский.
 ISBN: 0850451485.
 Формат: PDF. - 7Mb
 Качество: Отсканированные страницы.
 Количество страниц: 48.


 Initially British officials were reluctant to accept the offers of loyal subjects to form fighting units but eventually the potential of a Provincial corps was realized. Yet they never received the whole-hearted support of the British regular army and this was a factor in their evental defeat. Nonetheless the Provincial Corps served with distinction – even fighting against the Spanish in Nicaragua and the Bahamas – and some remained in service for several more years by relocating to Canada. This book examines their experiences in this continental conflict and details their uniforms and equipment.

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