

Transformational Science and Technology for the Current and Future Force: Proceedings of the 24th Us Army Science Conference
08.08.2011, 21:34

Transformational Science and Technology for the Current and Future Force: Proceedings of the 24th Us Army Science Conference

Автор(ы): J. A. Parmentola, A. M. Rajendran, W. Bryzik, B. J. Walker, J. W. McCauley, J Reifman, N M Nasrabadi

Издательство: World Scientific Pub Co Inc

Год издания: 2007

ISBN: 9812702016

Страниц: 600

Язык: Английский

Формат: PDF

Размер: 111.22 Mb

Aннотация: This book provides readers a unique opportunity to know about the fundamental and applied research areas that support US Army applications. The research papers address the main theme of the conference, "Transformational Science and Technology for the Current and Future Force," emphasizing the critical role of science and technology in winning the global war on terrorism

Материалы по 24 конференции ВС США: Наука и техника для будущей армии

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