

MilsatMagazine №5 2022
[ Скачать с сервера (4.47 Mb) ]30.05.2022, 20:04


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Год / месяц: 2022/5

Номер: 5

Страниц: 32

Язык: Английский

Формат: PDF - 4 MB

SATCOM For Net-Centric Warfare

It’s Not Too Late To Secure Space .................................. 10
Author: Dr. Ang Cui, Red Balloon Security
5G Stand Alone Networks Set To................................... 12
Transform Defense Comms...............................................
Author: Dr. Rajeev Gopal, Hughes Network Systems
Accelerating The Future Of Space................................. 16
Author: U.S. Space Systems Command
U.S. Army Advances New Comms Network Baseline.... 20
DISA + U.S. Army Reset Teaming Efforts....................... 22
To Support 24/7 Cyber Mission.........................................
Author: Renee Hatcher, DISA Cyberspace Ops Directorate
Government Satellite Report:....................................... 24
Commercial X-Band Managed Services The Key
To On-Demand Resilient Comms
Author: Ryan Schradin, GSR
Addressing An Accelerating Threat Environment:....... 26
Missile Warning + Defense
Author: L3Harris editorial
Focus: Viasat Government Systems —.......................... 28
A Briefing With Joel Babbitt, Army Business Development
Author: Viasat newsroom team
A Secure World Foundation Executive Summary:........ 30
Global Counterspace Capabilities Report
Authors: Dr. Brian Weeden + Victoria Samson

Смотри также
Категория: Space Force | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: MilsatMagazine
Просмотров: 671 | Загрузок: 8 | Рейтинг: 1.0/1
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