

Naval War College: The Nav's Home of Thought
07.08.2012, 20:52

Naval War College: The Nav's Home of Thought


Издательство: Faircount
 Год: 2011
 Формат: pdf
 Язык: английский
 Размер: 76 Мб
  In the pages that follow, readers will find a wealth of information about one of the mostunique colleges anywhere in the world. The Naval War College exists to educate thefuture leaders of the armed forces of the United States and our allies, and the senior civilianleaders of key organizations in the national security arena. The College’s studentsstudy how wars have been fought in the past, and how they might be avoided in the future.America’s "Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” clearly states the belief that"preventing wars is as important as winning wars.” The articles in this special magazinewill give you an understanding of how the College’s educational and research programshelp equip our military and civilian leaders with the skills they need to defend freedomaround the globe. Смотри также
Категория: ВМФ | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Naval War College
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