

The Whirlwind War: The United States Army in Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM
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The Whirlwind War: The United States Army in Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM
 Frank N. Schubert, Theresa L. Kraus
 Special Publications
 CMH Pub 70-30, Cloth; CMH Pub 70-30-1, Paper
 1995, 2001; 312 pages, tables, charts, maps, illustrations, appendixes, index
 GPO S/N: 008-029-00284-1


 The Whirlwind War: The United States Army in Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM provides an overview of the U.S. Army's role in the coalition force arrayed against Iraq during the Persian Gulf War in 1990-1991. Frank N. Schubert and Theresa L. Kraus, as well as thirteen other contributing historians, have crafted a riveting account of how the Vietnam-era Army transformed itself into a small, superbly equipped, highly skilled, well-trained, and extremely mobile force, composed of units from both the active and reserve components. In this major test the Army clearly demonstrated that it could project its power effectively and operate as part of a multinational force with great success. Although not definitive, Whirlwind War records a pivotal chapter in the Army's history by describing the various strands that came together to produce the Army of the 1990s and by capturing how that Army in turn performed under fire and in the glare of world attention. The war helped reaffirm America's faith in itself-in its products, performance, purpose, and dedication. The story is worthy of study and reflection
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