

JFHQ-IA-TS-PO Urban Training Complex
[ Скачать с сервера (360.9 Kb) ]18.10.2013, 19:43


1 November 2007
MEMORANDUM FOR Officer-In-Charge of MOUT Training
SUBJECT: Military Operations in Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) Standing Operating Procedure
1. Purpose. To provide guidance for the safe, efficient and economic conduct of training on
the Military Operations in Urban Terrain at Camp Dodge, Johnston, Iowa.
2. Policy.
a. The primary function of Training Site Operations is to provide the best facilities and
assistance to commanders in accomplishment of their training mission within the purview of
existing regulations and directives from this and higher headquarters.
b. The enclosed procedures are presented to aid the Range Officer-In-Charge (OIC) in the
conduct of training on Camp Dodge MOUT. Procedures presented are the most commonly
overlooked procedures not addressed by Range OIC's and Range Safety Officers (RSO).
c. The OIC of Training on the MOUT Site on Camp Dodge will be familiar with the contents
of this SOP prior to being given clearance to commence training. Possession of this document
does not relieve the OIC from the responsibility for possession of other directives and documents
required for the conduct of training on the MOUT at Camp Dodge, Johnston, Iowa.

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Категория: Действующие уставы Армии | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Training
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