

Multi-Domain Battle: Evolution of Combined Arms for the 21st Century 2025-2040
[ Скачать с сервера (2.23 Mb) ]01.12.2017, 12:43

Multi-Domain Battle: Evolution of Combined Arms for the 21st Century 2025-2040

«Многосферное сражение: эволюция совместных действий различных видов вооруженных сил в XXI веке (2025–2040)»

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Version 1.0
December 2017
Distribution Statement A.
Approved for public release, distribution unlimited

True PDF - 2 Mb
Foreword… i
Chapter 1 Introduction… 1
1-1. Purpose 1
1-2. Why is a new concept required?… .1
1-3. Introduction of key ideas.… 2
Chapter 2 Operational Context… .4
2-1. The emerging operating environment… .4
2-2. The changing battlespace...… 6
2-3. Multi-Domain Battle operational framework. .8
2-4. Primary adversary systems to compete below the level of armed conflict… 12
2-5. Primary enemy systems and methods for armed conflict… 15
2-6. Enemy systems and methods to deny decisive U.S. victory or an unfavorable political outcome… 19
2-7. Problems in the “new” battlespace… .20
Chapter 3 The military problem and Multi-Domain Battle central idea… 21
3-1. Military problem.…… .21
3-2. Central idea… 21
3-3. Components and subcomponents of the solution… 23
3-4. Defeat the adversary’s aggression in competition.… 29
3-5. Defeat the enemy in armed conflict… .36
3-6. Return to competition to maintain a favorable position.… .46
Chapter 4 Conclusion… .48
Appendix A – References… 49
Appendix B – Key required capabilities and supporting actions… .52
Appendix C – Multi-Domain Battle supporting ideas… 61
Appendix D – Assumptions… 64
Appendix E – Linkage to other concepts… .65
Appendix F – Future study issues.… 67
Glossary… .71
Figure List Page
Figure 1. Multi-Domain Battle Logic Chart.… .iii
Figure 2. The Multi-Domain Battle Operational Framework… 9
Figure 3. Adversary/Enemy Integrated Systems and Sub-systems… 12
Figure 4. Adversary Military Systems in Competition… 13
Figure 5. Enemy Military Systems in Armed Conflict… 16
Figure 6. Problems on the “New” Battlespace… .21
Figure 7. Convergence… .27

Смотри также
Категория: Стратегии и концепции | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Multi-Domain Battle, многосферное сражение, концепция
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