

United States Strategy for Central Asia 2019-2025
[ Скачать с сервера (811.9 Kb) ]01.04.2020, 10:23

United States Strategy for Central Asia 2019-2025

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Год: 2020
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 1 Мб

The United States was among the first countries to welcome the independence of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan and has worked consistently over the last three decades to support the security, development, and prosperity of each of these countries. Central Asia has always been the strategic and commercial crossroad of civilizations between Europe and Asia. The United States’ primary strategic interest in this region is to build a more stable and prosperous Central Asia that is free to pursue political, economic, and security interests with a variety of partners on its own terms; is connected to global markets and open to international investment; and has strong, democratic institutions, rule of law, and respect for human rights. A stable and secure Central Asia contributes directly to U.S. efforts to counter terrorism, support regional stability, promote energy security, and enhance economic prosperity in the region and beyond.

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Категория: Стратегии и концепции | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: стратегия, Азия
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