

Wrath of Achilles Essays on Command in Battle
11.02.2012, 20:24

Wrath of Achilles Essays on Command in Battle

Автор: CoLl. Richard D. Hooker, Jr.
Издательство: Combat Studies Institute Press. US Army Combined Arms Center
Страниц: 229
Формат: PDF
Размер: 16 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Год: 2008
Язык: английский

This anthology was inspired by its authors and the Soldiers and Marines they lead. Their experiences and reflections appear in this volume, a collection of battle studies that focus on leadership success, and failure, in the great campaigns of the last 150 years. From brigade to army group level, these lessons in battle command speak across the decades to the key questions of success in war. The authors are soldier-scholars of the first rank, some of whom are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan today and will rise to lead our military in tomorrow’s battles and campaigns.


Обобщение боевого опыта крупных формирований (от бригады и выше) за последние 150 лет.

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