

Air Force Magazine №4 2016
15.04.2016, 07:37

Air Force Magazine

Air Force Magazine №4 2016

Год / месяц: 2016/4
Номер: 4
Страниц: 84
Формат: PDF - 25 MB

Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США

Editorial: An Air Force at War on the Home Front
The Air Force is trying to cram 10 pounds of requirements into a fivepound sack.
20 An Air Force for the Future
By John A. Tirpak
USAF will embrace leap-ahead “Third Offset” technologies to sustain its position of dominance.
26 AFCENT’s Rapid Evolution
By Brian W. Everstine
The rise of ISIS means today’s Air Force operations in the Middle East are dramatically different from just last year.
28 Rise of the Machines
By Jennifer Hlad
The question is not necessarily: How much military automation is possible?
The question may be: How many wartime functions does USAF want to automate?
30 Ranges and Readiness
By Brian W. Everstine
DOD is investing heavily to modernize USAF’s training ranges.
36 UK Eagles Nest
Photos by Jim Haseltine
RAF Lakenheath is home to high-demand USAF combat power, including Europe’s only F-15s.
44 Perspectives on the Storm
By Jennifer Hlad
In 1991, the Air Force unexpectedly changed direction and left the Cold War in the past.
48 Iron Dome
By Gideon Grudo
Israel’s defensive system brings strategic and psychological protection from rocket attacks.
52 Turkey Shoot
By John T. Correll
It was the biggest carrier battle of all  time. It also gained bases from which B-29s could strike Japan.
58 Herculean Ordnance
By Sam McGowan
Massive “Daisy Cutter” bombs dropped from C-130s were highly effective at clearing landing zones in Vietnam.
64 1946: The Year After the War
By John T. Correll
Seventy years ago, the nation, the armed forces, and veterans made a turbulent transition to peacetime.
5 Action in Congress: Wishing for
More F-35s
6 Letters
9 Senior Staff Changes
9 Index to Advertisers
10 Aperture: Back to the future; One engine maker; Guarding against hacking; McCain’s threat; How contracts are signed ....
12 Air Force World
70 Verbatim
80 Airpower Classics: V-22 Osprey

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