Год / месяц: 2017/4
Номер: 4
Страниц: 76
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 11 MB
ARMY, a monthly magazine, focuses each month on professional development, education strategy, doctrine and other current and historical topics. Born as the Infantry Journal in 1910, the publication includes articles, letters and opinion pieces by current and former Army leaders of all ranks, military and civilian.
LETTERS ................................................... 3
WASHINGTON REPORT ........................... 6
All of the Cyber Fuss Overlooks Key Absence
By Gen. Frederick J. Kroesen, USA Ret.
Page 7
On Being the ‘Trail Dog’ Rather Than Top Dog
By Lt. Gen. James M. Dubik, USA Ret.
Page 8
Is the Best Yet to Come, or the Worst?
By Lt. Col. Thomas D. Morgan, USA Ret.
Page 9
Remembering the Heroes Who Survived Bataan
By Col. Louis Deeter, USA Ret.
Page 11
Creating Critical Thinkers in Art Of Logistics
By Maj. Darrell E. Fawley III
Page 12
HE’S THE ARMY ..................................... 14
SEVEN QUESTIONS ............................... 56
SOLDIER ARMED ................................... 57
NEWS CALL ............................................ 59
THE OUTPOST ....................................... 65
REVIEWS ................................................ 68
FINAL SHOT ........................................... 72
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