

Fires №6 2017
02.11.2017, 20:24


Год / месяц: 2017/11-12

Номер: 6

Страниц: 56

Язык: Английский

Формат: PDF 11 MB (Read online)

The Fires Bulletin is a joint professional publication for U.S. Artillery professionals


5 The return of Army short-range air defense in a changing environment
By Brig. Gen. Randall McIntire
9 Howitzer technology
Changing the culture of field artillery
By Lt. Col. Daniel Blackmon, Maj. Bryan Fanning and Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Kimble
12 Positioning air defense for re-introduction of
By Maj. Trey Guy
14 Operation Tobruq Legacy 17 showcases capabilities range
By 1st Lt. Josef Danczuk
17 Forward observer
A lost art
By Sgt. 1st Class Robert Hance
21 Distributed alternative
Training in the National Training Center from home station
By Lt. Col. G. Damon Wells and Capt. Ryan D. Hamilton
25 The battalion chief fire control sergeant
By Master Sgt. Luis Alicea
30 How to properly change inventory from commander to commander
By Capt. Matthew Johnson
32 When four eyes are better than two
Integrating the AH-64 Apache into a Fires observation plan in the post-COIN era
By Capt. David Williams and Chief Warrant Officer 2 Keith Eastman
37 A lethal combination
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and M142 HIMARS sensor-to-shooter integration
By Col. Joe Russo
43 FCoE, Ukrainian leaders talk Fires defense
By Marie Berberea
44 Untying the Gordian Knot
A tiered approach to radar coverage revisited
By Maj. Andrew Johnston
46 10th AAMDC demonstrates new capabilities during Tobruq Legacy 2017
By Chief Warrant Officer 2 Kevin Kruthers
48 Countering future threats by maintaining manual gunnery proficiency
By Capt. Michael Wish
50 Calling for improvements on US Army’s cannon artillery
By Capt. Joseph Schmid and Capt. Adam Wilson, Jr.
56 ‘Wait one’
Developing the brigade fire support officer
By Maj. Gregory Tomlin
60 In the next issue of Fires

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