

Military Review №4 2017
01.08.2017, 14:11

Military Review

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 Год / месяц: 2017/7-8

Номер: 4
Страниц: 116
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF -  24 MB

The Military Review provides an established and well regarded Army forum to stimulate original thought and debate on topics related to the art and science of land warfare.


6 Multi-Domain Battle
14 Curbing the “Helicopter Commander”
22 The Collapse of Venezuela and Its Impact on the Region
34 The Evolving Nature of Russia‘s Way of War
43 North Korean Cyber Support to Combat Operations
52 Advancing Security Cooperation through Executive Education
56 The Role of Forward Presence in U.S. Military Strategy
66 The American Motor-Rifle Brigade
75 Understanding Japan’s Role in Securing the Western Pacific
84 Professional Military Education
92 The Military Moral Education Program
100 Navigating through the Challenge of Culture and Law in Postconflict Stability Operations
111 Queen of Spies

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Категория: Military Review | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Military Review
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