

MilsatMagazine №4 2016
21.04.2016, 19:48


MilsatMagazine №4 2016

Год / месяц: 2016/4
Номер: 4
Страниц: 23
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF 10 MB

SATCOM For Net-Centric Warfare

45th Space Wing & The Dragon.......4
Orbital ATK Is Sounding Off......5
Visit By USN Rear Admiral To Cal Poly.....6
Northrop Grumman Ready To Take On GPS III....7
DARPAs XS-1 Program Enters Phase 2.....8
Space Fence Going Up.....9
DARPA Wants Gremlins Everywhere.......10
Harris Falcons Heading Out.....11
Gilat In The Sky With Diamonds......11
Optimal Space Protection........12
By Rebecca Cowen-Hirsch, Inmarsat
SatCom Frontier Perspective #1:......14
Helping The Military To See Clearly
By Skot Butler, Intelsat General Corp.
SatCom Frontier Perspective #2:.....15
The Latest Link: Automatic Beam Switching
By Philip Kwong, Intelsat General Corp.
GovSat Insights: Hosted Payloads Make It Happen....16
The Capacity Is Coming....16
By Ryan Schradin, GovSat Report
HPA Corner: What’s Holding Back....20
The Adoption Of Hosted Payloads?
By Kay Sears, Lockheed Martin
Command Center: Kai Tang, Vice President,.....22
US Government Business Unit, Inmarsat
On… The Needs Of First Responders
Advantech Wireless.........3
Comtech Command & Control Technologies.......1
CPI Satcom Products......5
Hosted Payload Association...10
iDirect Government.....7
Satnews Daily News......15
SMi Group — MilSatCom.....21
Teledyne Paradise Datacom.....13

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