

MilsatMagazine №5 2016
24.05.2016, 15:58


MilsatMagazine №5 2016

Год / месяц: 2016/5
Номер: 5
Страниц: 45
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF 28 MB

SATCOM For Net-Centric Warfare

SpaceX Lands On Its Feet & Receives 2016 Space Pioneer Award......... 3
USAF’s SMC Awards GPS III Contracts......... 4
Advantech’s New Pulse Amplifier........... 4
Clyde Space Catapulting Their Way Into Additional Success...... 6
DPS Modules For UAS SAR........ 6
Skynet Support In Australia With New Ground Station.................................... 8
Readiness Enhanced With US Army’s NIE Exercise......................................... 10
A Fusion Of Satellite Imagery For The Global Intelligence Community.......... 11
Expeditionary Network Equipment For Global Response Force.................... 12
Specifically Designed For US Government—SpyMeSatGov............................ 14
Modernizing Military Enterprise SATCOM...................................................... 14
21st Space Wing Ops & USAF Academy Cadets Team Up............................. 16
A Glowlink Perspective: Breakthrough Interference Removal Device....... 18
By Mike Downey, Glowlink Communications Technology, Inc.
Why The Military Should Be Detecting CID............................................... 20
By Roger Franklin, Crystal
Ballistic Radomes For Military COTM Systems.......................................... 22
By D.J. Kozakoff, C. Corallo, D. Petra & W. Roovers
Addressing Growing Government End User Demands With..................... 26
Innovative Satellite Solutions
By Fred Morris, Comtech EF Data
GovSat Insights: The Evolution Of Military SATCOM Acquisition............. 34
By Ryan Schradin, GovSat Report
Single Satellite Geolocation Systems…...................................................... 36
What’s Currently Technically Feasible
By Erwin Greilinger, Siemens Convergence Creators
A Keysight Technologies Focus:................................................................. 40
Conquering Wideband RF Measurements
By Brad Frieden, Keysight Technologies
Game Changing Technology— Enabling Geolocation Of VSAT Terminals:..... 44
By Petter Amundsen

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