

MilsatMagazine №7 2016
24.07.2016, 10:34


MilsatMagazine №7 2016

Год / месяц: 2016/7-8
Номер: 7
Страниц: 44
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF 20 MB

SATCOM For Net-Centric Warfare

Dispatches................................................................................................4 to 21
The HPA Corner: Leveraging Commercial Space Capabilities.........................22
by David Anhalt, Iridium Satellite
Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention….........................................................24
by Paul Seguin, C-COM Satellite Systems
Best Practices For End-To-End Protected SATCOM........................................28
by Steve Williams and Chris Badgett, RT Logic, A Kratos Company
SOTM & SOTP: Satisfying VMES Requirements..............................................32
by Rohit Murthy and David Svesko, General Dynamics Mission Systems
A Hiltron Communications Focus: Advancing Secure SATCOM Technology...36
by Jan Molter, Hiltron GmbH
Building To Meet Changing Needs For The 21st Century..............................38
by Heather Bulk, Special Aerospace Services
A Spectra Group Focus: Slingshot & The Changing Focus Of Conflict...........40
by Simon Davies, Spectra Group (UK) Ltd.
Space Foundation: The Space Report, An Executive Summary.......................42
SatCom Frontier Perspective: How To Improve Enterprise Ground...............44
Services For Space
by Eric Moltzau, Intelsat General Corporation

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