

Special Warfare 2011 №3
[ Скачать с сервера (3.11 Mb) ]10.09.2011, 21:47

Special Warfare

Год / месяц: 2011/7-9
Номер: 3
Страниц: 44
Язык: Английский
Скачать Файл: PDF - 3.1 MB

Special Warfare   - журнал  центра армии США Джон Ф. Кеннеди  и школа специальной войны, Форт-БрэггЗадача - содействие профессиональному развитию сил специальных операций, обеспечивая обсуждение для экспертизы существующей доктрины и новых идей.

10 The Green Beret Volckmann Program

The author proposes a strategy for countering multiregional insurgencies by employing culturally astute SF Soldiers who would serve repetitive rotations to a specific country.
17 4th and Long: The Role of Civil Affairs in VSO
When the Soldiers of Company A, 91st Civil Affairs Battalion, deployed to Afghanistan in 2010, they learned to adapt their activities to contribute to village stability operations.
28 The Nuts and Bolts of Village Stability Operations
An overview of the principles and challenges of village stability operations.
32 Taking a Stand: VSO and the Afghan Local Police
Through village stability operations, members of U.S. SOF team with Afghan police to achieve security and stability and pave the way for political and economic improvements.
35 Regimental Training Facility Brings Unique SOF
Resources Together
A dedicated site at Fort Bliss, Texas, provides realistic pre-mission training for members of special-operations task forces.
04 From the Commandant
05 Update
08 Training Update
38 Career Notes
39 New Equipment
40 Fitness
41 Foreign SOF
42 Book Reviews
43 Opinion

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Категория: Special Warfare | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Special Warfare
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