

Tip of The Spear №1 2016
28.02.2016, 20:54

Tip of The Spear

Tip of The Spear №1 2016

Год / месяц: 2016/1-2
Номер: 1
Страниц: 40
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 6 MB

Tip of The Spear - (Наконечник копья) - журнал Командования спецопераций ВС США
Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command

SOF Around the World
Afghan soldier’s journey to Ranger school ... 4
Joint exercise Sabre Junction ... 6
SOCEUR night qualification jump ... 8
SOF provide medical care in Kenya ... 10
Special Feature
Navy SEAL receives the Medal of Honor ... 12
U.S. Army Special Operations Command
1st Group trains with Indian SOF ... 16
Chaplains complete Special Forces Q course ... 18
Defining success: A senior NCO’s story ... 20
Naval Special Warfare Command
A Navy SEAL’s passion for sailing ... 22
NSW boat teams set stage for Desert Storm ... 24
Air Force Special Operations Command
Vietnam vets awarded Silver Star Medals ... 26
25th anniversary of Desert Storm ... 28
AFSOC’s 25th year is Year of Air Commando ... 30
Historian retires after more than 50 years ... 32
Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command
Critical skills operator receives Silver Star ... 34
Raider corpsman awarded Silver Star ... 35
Headquarters conducts early morning jump ... 36
Fallen heroes ... 38


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