

Tip of The Spear №2 2017
24.05.2017, 19:17

Tip of The Spear

Год / месяц: 2017/3-4
Номер: 2
Страниц: 40
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 6 MB

Tip of The Spear - (Наконечник копья) - журнал Командования спецопераций ВС США
Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command

SOF Around the World

Flintlock builds trust in Niger ... 4
US, GCC simulate raid of hijacked tanker ... 6
Until dawn: Surviving the Battle of Boz Qandahari ... 8
Special Feature
USSOCOM marks its 30th anniversary ... 12
Lampe receives 2017 Bull Simons Award ... 18
Commando Hall of Honor newest members inducted ... 22
30th anniversary week in photos ... 24
U.S. Army Special Operations Command
10th Group cold weather training in Montana ... 26
Naval Special Warfare Command
USSOCOM commander visits Stennis ... 28
Air Force Special Operations Command
CV-22 special mission aviators key to success ... 30
Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command
US, Morocco train together in Flintlock ... 32
SOF AT&L receives top DoD acquisition honors... 34
USSOCOM hosts 15th Sovereign Challenge ... 36
First Homeland Security Agent graduates Joint Special
Operations Force Senior Enlisted Academy ... 38
Fallen Heroes ... 39

Смотри также
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