

Tip of The Spear №4 2016
[ Скачать с сервера (5.05 Mb) ]31.08.2016, 14:12

Tip of The Spear

Год / месяц: 2016/7-8
Номер: 4
Страниц: 40
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 5 MB

Tip of The Spear - (Наконечник копья) - журнал Командования спецопераций ВС США
Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command

SOF Around the World
ARNG helicopters enable SOF in Europe ... 4
353rd SOG in New Zealand Exercise Teak Net ... 6
Special Feature: Warrior Games
USSOCOM team rocks Warrior Games ... 8
From enabler to competitor ... 9
SF athlete uses Warrior Games as new challenge ... 10
Wounded warrior to warrior angel ... 11
What it takes to field a team ... 12
U.S. Army Special Operations Command
Green Beret earns Silver Star ... 14
Ranger Hall of Fame welcomes 2016 inductees ... 18
Command Sgt. Maj. shares recruiter experience ... 19
Naval Special Warfare Command
NSWC changes commanders ... 20
NAVSCIATTS grows global network ... 22
Air Force Special Operations Command
Webb takes command of AFSOC ... 24
Joint airborne op a success for the 353rd ... 26
Special Ops medical Airmen saves lives at sea ... 28
Mastering the jump ... 30
Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command
MARSOC Raiders welcome new commander ... 32
MSOS renames school house Gifford Hall ... 34
Special Ops patriarch receives Legion of Honor ... 36
SOCOM intel officer receives Galileo Award ... 38
Fallen heroes ... 39

Смотри также
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