

Tip of The Spear №6 2019
31.12.2019, 12:34

Tip of The Spear

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Год / месяц: 2019 /12
Номер: 6
Страниц: 40
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 10 Mb

Tip of The Spear - (Наконечник копья) - журнал Командования спецопераций ВС США
Headquarters, United States Special Operations Command

Theater Special Operations Commands
Korean, American SOF service members demonstrate unity through combined free-fall jump ... 4
Multinational SOF, Sky Soldiers mix unconventional, conventional warfare at Saber Junction 19 ... 6
Establishing camaraderie in Bhutan ... 8
U.S. Army Special Operations Command
Green Beret receives Medal of Honor for heroics in Afghanistan ... 10
Operation Commando Wrath ... 13
30 Years - 10 Army Special Operations Medal of Honor recipients ... 14
U.S. Army Special Operations Command marks 30th anniversary ... 16
Return to Panama: Rangers mark the 30th anniversary of Operation Just Cause ... 18
Young Lions: Army Special Operations leaders selected to attend Chicago seminar ... 22
Naval Special Warfare Command
Memorial of a legend ... 24
Increasing underwater visual information capability in great power competition ... 26
Air Force Special Operations Command
Special Tactics Chief awarded Silver Star for countering Afghan ambush ... 28
U-28A Draco crew receives Air Force 2018 Mackay Trophy ... 30
Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command
MARSOC takes certification exercise to the higher level ... 32
Passing the torch: Call sign “Raider 96” ... 34
USSOCOM Warrior Care Program All-Sports Camp and annual conference kicked off in Orlando ... 36
Fallen Heroes ... 39

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