

Osprey Graphic History 5 Island of Terror: Battle of Iwo Jima
06.08.2010, 18:51
HTML clipboard Island of Terror: Battle of Iwo Jima (Graphic History 5)
 By Larry Hama, Gary Erskine
 Publisher: Osprey Publishing 2006 48 Pages
 PDF 46 MB
 The savage battle of Iwo Jima was a costly but essential victory that paved the way for the Allied invasion of Japan. This book vividly recreates the 36 days in 1945 when Marines such as Sgt Darren Cole and 19-year old Private Douglas T. Jacobson displayed untold bravery, fighting seemingly impenetrable defences until the infamous flag could be raised on Monut Suribachi and the Japanese were defeated.

Комикс посвящён знаменательному событию  Второй мировой - Взятию острова Иво Дзима. Помните фотографию когда морпехи поднимают знамя? Это отсюда. В остальном,  никакого супергеройства - чистая документалистика
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