

Osprey Graphic History 4 Surprise Attack!: Battle of Shiloh
26.07.2010, 22:58
HTML clipboardSurprise Attack!: Battle of Shiloh (Graphic History 4)
 By Larry Hama, Ronald Wagner
 Publisher: Osprey Publishing 2006 48 Pages
 PDF 46 MB
 The first major Civil War battle in the Western theater, Shiloh came as a horrifying shock to both the American public and those in arms. On April 6, 1862, Confederate forces staged a surprise attack on the Union army encamped along the Tennessee River. Fighting was fierce as General Grant struggled to hold off the enemy until his reinforcements arrived the following day. Though nearly driven into the Tennessee River, the Union army claimed a victory - but at a dear cost. With nearly 24,000 total casualties in two days' fighting, 'Bloody Shiloh' served as a wake-up call to the nation, announcing that the continuing fight for the Union would be devastating for both sides. This book illustrates one of the Civil War's bloodiest battles in 36 pages of comic book-style narrative and eight pages of background information, detailing the key players, the experience of the forces, and the aftermath of the battle.

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Сражение при Шайло (англ. Battle of Shiloh) — крупное сражение Гражданской войны в США, произошедшее 6 апреля и 7 апреля 1862 года на юго-западе штата Теннесси. Силы конфедератов под командованием генералов Альберта Джонстона и Пьера Борегара внезапно атаковали позиции армии США во главе с генерал-майором Улиссом Грантом и были весьма близки к полному разгрому северян.

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