

Air Force Magazine №11 2020
08.12.2020, 16:47

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2020/12

Номер: 11

Страниц: 73

Формат: PDF - 41 MB


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США.

10 Q&A: Staffing and Shaping the Space Force
Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, the first Chief of Space  Operations, speaks to Senior Editor Rachel S. Cohen about building the newest service.
30 Desert Storm: 30 Years Later, Could We Do It Again?
By John A. Tirpak
The U.S. crushed Iraq and could defeat similar adversaries today. But that doesn’t mean the Pentagon learned from its mistakes.
36 New Life for New START?
By Amy McCullough
The Trump administration wanted to widen the treaty’s scope. Now what’s the plan?
40 Pegasus Paradox
By Brian W. Everstine
The Air Force is satisfied Boeing will fix the KC-46—but full-rate production is still at least three years away.
43 Space Force Training Takes Shape
By Rachel S. Cohen
USSF will take USAF training protocols and fine-tune them to suit the fledgling force.
48 Commercial Solutions Answer Space Force’s Call
By Tom Taverney
National Security Space must start to use commercial satellite architectures.
52 Range and Flexibility
By Col. Mark Gunzinger, USAF (Ret.)
Why bombers are the most flexible leg in the nuclear triad.
56 Putting the CAP on COVID-19
By Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory
How Civil Air Patrol rallied to the nation’s call in the face of the global pandemic.
58 The Allied Rift on Strategic Bombing
By John T. Correll
The British and Americans disagreed on almost everything about the Combined Bomber Offensive.


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