

Air Force Magazine №1 2020
15.02.2020, 12:56

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2020/1-2

Номер: 1

Страниц: 61

Формат: PDF - 7 MB


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США.

2 Editorial: Launching the Space Force
By Tobias Naegele
4 Letters
6 Index to Advertisers
12 Strategy & Policy:
The End of Nuclear “Kick the Can”
14 Airframes
20 World: Growing
Aggressors; AFGSC second decade changes; Goodbye
Line of the Air
heads home; and more ...
31 Faces of the Force
32 Verbatim
63 Airman for Life
Marking the Spot Where Eight Airmen Were Lost
64 Namesakes: Kirtland
8 Q&A: Reconstruction and Resiliency
An exclusive interview with John W. Henderson, assistant secretary of the Air Force for installations, environment, and energy.
34 The Bone is Back
By Brian W. Everstine
A surprise deployment sent a message to Iran—and DOD: B-1s are fast, agile, and readier than you think.
38 The Future of COIN
By Rachel S. Cohen
How the Air Force is preparing for counterinsurgency in 2030.
44 Space Force is Here
By Rachel S. Cohen
Now comes the hard part.
48 Who’s Paying Their Share in NATO
By John A. Tirpak
After years of sinking individual investments, NATO member country spending on defense is rebounding. But frictions ersist.

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