Air Force Magazine
Год / месяц: 2018/3
Номер: Спецвыпуск
Страниц: 51
Формат: PDF - 23 MB
Air Force Magazine - журнал Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США
10 Hours of White-Knuckle Hell
By Steve Hirsch
Christopher Lewis wasn’t planning on spending the day in a gun turret, calling in air strikes, and shooting ISIS fighters.
The Air Force’s 2045 Moment
By Brian Everstine
Innovations launched today will determine USAF’s relevance for decades to come.
Thriving and Surviving Through Training
By Amy McCullough
USAF’s training community views artificial intelligence and virtual reality as keys to an aff ordable, lethal force.
The Status Quo Needs to Go
By Gideon Grudo
Reading this article on your tablet is adaptation. Embracing its main points during basic training is innovation.
Stronger. Better. Faster. Infinite.
By John A. Tirpak
In the Cold War, USAF operated within finite bounds. The future holds no such certainty
Safer KC-135 Boomer Platform Wins USAF’s Spark Tank Cup
By Steve Hirsch
Six innovative ideas all receive Air Force funding.
Fighting the California Fires
By Frederick A. Johnsen
When things got hot, MAFFS-equipped airmen were there.
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