

Air Force Magazine №3 2018
02.02.2018, 15:16

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2018/3

Номер: 3

Страниц: 68

Формат: PDF - 21 MB


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США

16 Coming to Terms with Forever War
By John A. Tirpak
Manning and money are needed to maintain what has become USAF’s permanent war footing.
22 Strained Relations
By Megan Scully
The Air Force has long struggled to find its way on Capitol Hill.
28 Strategic Deterrence in 2018
By Wilson Brissett
Nukes in a complex and evolving threat environment.
34 5th Generation Comms
By Brian W. Everstine
What’s being done to ensure the F-22 and the F-35 can talk to each other ... and the rest of the Air Force?
40 Grand Sky at Grand Forks
By Jenn Rowell
A first-of-its-kind UAS partnership emerged after BRAC took the base’s tankers.
44 The “X” Files
By John A. Tirpak
“X” airplanes and missiles—flown by various combinations of military and civilian organizations—have pushed the art of possible in aerospace.
56 Targeting the Luftwae
By John T. Correll
When Spaatz and Doolittle changed the fighter strategy, it was the beginning of the end for German airpower in Western Europe.
2 Editorial: In Case You
Missed It, Airpower Killed
By Adam J. Hebert
ISIS as we know it is dead, defeated by USAF-led airpower.
4 Letters
8 Index to Advertisers
9 Aperture
By John A. Tirpak
12 Forward Deployed
By Jennifer Hlad
13 Air Force World
32 Screenshot
53 Verbatim
54 Infographic: Intruder Alert
By Gideon Grudo
62 Wingman: AFA Field
64 Namesakes: O utt

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