

Air Force Magazine №3 2019
27.03.2019, 11:30

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2019/4

Номер: 3

Страниц: 68

Формат: PDF - 10 MB


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США

12 The Vice Chief’s Challenge
An exclusive interview with Vice Chief of the Air Force
Gen. Stephen “Seve” Wilson.
16 What’s in the 2020 Budget Plan—and What’s Not
By Rachel S. Cohen, Brian W. Everstine, and John A. Tirpak
18 Air Warfare Symposium
■■ Tyndall: Base of the Future
■■ Readiness: Getting Fighters to 80 Percent
■■ Electronic Warfare: USAF Still Seeking Answers
■■ Air Battle Management System: A Whole New Approach
■■ Mark Cuban: 10 Takeaways for Every Airman
35 Swarms: Why They’re the Future of Warfare
■■ “The Looming Swarm:” How swarming can be applied offensively. By Amy McCullough
■■ “The Drone Zappers:” Developing high-power lasers and microwave weapons as a defense against enemy swarming techniques. By Rachel S. Cohen
45 Climbing Out of the Munitions Hole
By John A. Tirpak
To fix the bomb shortage, USAF is making record buys, while the Pentagon moves to preserve component vendors.
48 Pegasus Takes Flight
By Brian W. Everstine
Airmen start sizing up the future of aerial tanking.
52 Time to Update NC3
By Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), and Dr.
William A. LaPlante with Robert Haddick
The Mitchell Institute makes the case for replacing the aging command and control pillar of the nuclear enterprise.
56 Bring ’Em Back Alive
By John T. Correll
Combat search and rescue’s golden era was Vietnam. The world changed after that.

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