

Air Force Magazine №6 2019
24.07.2019, 16:50

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2019/7-8

Номер: 6

Страниц: 61

Формат: PDF - 16 MB


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США.

2 Editorial: Game  Changers By Tobias Naegele
3 Letters
4 Index to Advertisers
6 Airframes
14 Strategy & Policy: Shakeups at the Pentagon leave DOD with space disarray and Army-centric leadership.
16 World: Offutt recovery; McConnell KC-46s; AFRL munition plans; and more ... .
26 Faces of the Force
35 Verbatim
61 Airman for Life CAP cadets visit Virginia Science Museum; Cheesecon; and more ...
64 Namesakes: Scott
36 Arlington’s Southern Expansion
By Brian W. Everstine
With space running out, Arlington spreads out to surround the US Air Force Memorial —and to limit who can be buried on its hallowed grounds.
41 Fast-Forward with 5G
By Rachel S. Cohen
The next generation of wireless networks is coming.
46 The Case for Fifth-Generation and NGAD Airpower
Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, Maj. Gen. Lawrence A. Stutzreim, and Heather Penney
52 The Counter-Revolution in Military Affairs
By John T. Correll
For the ground forces, the problem with a revolution in military affairs was airpower, not technology.
58 AFA Nominees 2019-2020, Candidates for National Office and Board of Directors

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