

Air Force Magazine №6 2020 USAF Almanac 2020
30.06.2020, 18:37

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2020/6

Номер: 5

Страниц: 149

Формат: PDF - 20 MB


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США. Данный номер является альманахом, т.е. справочником по ВВС США (включая Национальную Гвардию и Резерв)

USAF 2020 Almanac
40 Air Force & Space Force Almanac 2020
A comprehensive look at the Air Force and the Space Force, including people, equipment, budget, weapons systems, and more.
42 Structure
The command structure of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force; numbered air forces and centers.
43 People
Personnel by the numbers: total force; end strength and manpower trends; breakdowns by gender, rank, region, command, Air Force Specialty Codes, and more.
46 Pay
Military basic pay; housing allowance; hazardous duty pay; federal civilian pay.
54 Rank Insignia of the Armed Forces
56 Awards and Decorations
Ribbons in order of precedence; devices; specialty berets.
58 Spending
Department of the Air Force spending trends; DOD and USAF fiscal 2020 budget request; spending as a share of GDP; DOD budget breakdown by service; pass-through funding; major procurement and RDT&E programs.
63 Equipment
Total aircraft inventory; aircraft inventory trends; ICBM and satellite inventory; aircraft age; tail codes.
66 U.S. Space Force
Command profile, equipment, wing equivalents, centers, and major programs.
68 Major Commands and Reserve Components
Command profiles, equipment, personnel, wings, and centers
78 FOAs, DRUs, and Auxiliary
Brief descriptions of each; Active-duty personnel numbers.
80 USAF & USSF Wings
Emblems and Majcom affiliation.
88 Leaders
Principal USAF and major command leaders through the years.
95 USAF & USSF Installations
A guide to Active duty, Reserve, and Air National Guard installations worldwide; locator maps for U.S. and overseas installations and operating bases.
110 Weapons & Platforms
A detailed guide to the aircraft, aerial target systems, weapons systems, and satellite systems in USAF and USSF inventory.
152 Glossary of Acronyms & Abbreviations
Acronyms and abbreviations.

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