

Air Force Magazine №7 2020
17.08.2020, 20:57

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2020/7-8

Номер: 7

Страниц: 64

Формат: PDF - 9 MB


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США.

8 Q&A: The Future of the Expeditionary Force
Lt. Gen. Mark D. Kelly, incoming head of Air Combat Command, speaks with John A. Tirpak about the changes coming to USAF.
28 Leveling the Field
By Rachel S. Cohen
The Air Force has room for improvement in addressing racial bias in the promotion process.
33 Black Airmen Speak Out
By Rachel S. Cohen
In a force where color shouldn’t matter, inequalities persist.
37 The Goldfein Years
By John A. Tirpak
Chief 21’s legacy is his vision for the future: A highly connected joint force.
41 Coping with COVID Across the Force
By Brian W. Everstine
USAF is keeping the tip of the spear honed, despite pandemic challenges.
46 Stand In, Standoff
By Mark Gunzinger
The right balance for the future bomber fleet.
52 Let the Games Begin
By Amy McCullough
The Air Force sees cooperative esports as both recruiting tools and boosts to resiliency.
55 The Spaceplane: 60 Years On
By John T. Correll
The ultimate goal was to take off from Earth, fly a mission through space, re-enter the atmosphere, and land on a runway.


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