

Air Force Magazine №9 2018
03.08.2018, 07:27

Air Force Magazine

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Год / месяц: 2018/9

Номер: 9

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Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США

18 Warriors for Life
By Amy McCullough
USAF aims to have Warrior Games participants leave the event stronger than when they arrive.
24 Ready for Takeo ?
By Brian W. Everstine
It’s been a long road, but USAF’s new Combat Rescue Helicopter is nearing reality.
26 Huey Ever After
By Brian W. Everstine
At some point, USAF will successfully replace its Vietnam-era UH-1s used for security missions and VIP transport.
28 Make it a Double
By Steve Hirsch
It isn’t normal for an AC-130 gunship to fight during the day. Or to have to go back up. Or to go Winchester—twice.
34 Skunk Works at 75
By John A. Tirpak
Lockheed Martin’s legendary and secretive development unit threw a party only slightly restrained by government censors.
38 Covering Air Force Magazine
On the occasion of the magazine’s centennial, we look back on some of our favorite covers from the past 100 years.
54 The Making of MAD
By John T. Correll
McNamara moved by stages to a stark balance of terror with the docrine of Mutual Assured Destruction.
58 The Dawn of American Airpower
By Rebecca Grant
A century ago, at St. Mihiel, American airpower came of age.
2 Editorial: A Century of Air Force Magazine
By Adam J. Hebert
It is with great pleasure that we present this issue of the magazine, as we look forward to the next 100 years.
4 Letters
5 Index to Advertisers
7 Forward Deployed
By Jennifer Hlad
8 Aperture
By John A. Tirpak
10 News From The Daily
Report: Light-Attack Aircraft
Experiment Ends; USAF’s New C2 Structure; Gen. Lawrence Skantze; and more ...
23 Verbatim
62 Wingman: DOD Warrior
64 Namesakes: Selfridge

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