

Approach №1 2015
[ Скачать с сервера (1.43 Mb) ]28.02.2015, 21:16


Год / месяц: 2015/1-2
Номер: 1
Страниц: 29
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF -  1,4 MB

The Navy & Marine corps aviation safety magazine

2. Night Electrical Fire Over the Northern Arabian Gulf
By CDR Spencer Abbot
The night that the moon really helped out.
8. OK, Now It’s an Emergency
By LT Johnathan Bosch
For a newly qualified Instructor Pilot (IP), a flight becomes “interesting.”
10. Tingling Sensations
By LCDR Daniel Boyer
A local-area, unit-level training flight felt like a much-needed break - until the hypoxia set in.
12. A Bridge Too Small
By LTJG Michael Buck
When ground control asks, “How high is your tail?”, it isn’t time for guesswork.
14. Managing My Gross Weight
By LT Justin Chalkley
Thanks to expanded CRM, an “Oh, by the way” becomes a crucial piece of information.
17. Surprised by a Student
By LT Andrew Edwards
The day that my comfort level should have been a lot smaller than it was.
20. Second Time Around
By LT David Tarr
A pilot gets another chance at handling an emergency that he didn’t handle very well the first time.
24. Hypoxic in IMC
By LT Logan Ridley
A sub-par plane can usually be flown home, but a sub-par pilot may not be up to the task.

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