

Military Review №1 2020
16.02.2020, 13:20

Military Review

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 Год / месяц: 2020/1-2

Номер: 1
Страниц: 136
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF -  40 MB

The Military Review provides an established and well regarded Army forum to stimulate original thought and debate on topics related to the art and science of land warfare.

6 Field Manual 4-0
Driving Sustainment Change
Lt. Gen. Michael D. Lundy, U.S. Army
Maj. Gen. Rodney D. Fogg, U.S. Army
Col. Richard D. Creed Jr., U.S. Army
Lt. Col. William C. Latham Jr., U.S. Army, Retired
The commander of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and his fellow authors discuss the importance of doctrine; specifically, how Field Manual 4-0, Sustainment Operations, provides the doctrinal framework for sustainment operations necessary to fight and win in large-scale combat operations in a multi-domain environment.
12 A Logic All Its Own
Russian Operational Art in the Syrian Campaign

Lt. Col. Nicholas Sinclair, U.S. Army
The author describes the unique logic of Russian military thought and how Russia successfully implemented operational art during its campaign in Syria.
22 The Small-Team Replacement System
Wartime Replacement Systems in Large-Scale Combat Operations

Maj. R. Smith Griggs, U.S. Army
Capt. Jacob Haider, U.S. Army
Luke Flatebo
The authors posit that building and maintaining combat power in the face of high-intensity combat casualty rates requires an effective personnel replacement system. They propose a small-team replacement system to meet the challenges of large-scale combat operations.

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