

Special Warfare 2012 №2
[ Скачать с сервера (2.70 Mb) ]12.06.2012, 05:26

Special Warfare

Год / месяц: 2012/4-6
Номер: 2
Страниц: 40
Язык: Английский
Скачать Файл: PDF - 2,7 MB

Special Warfare   - журнал  центра армии США Джон Ф. Кеннеди  и школа специальной войны, Форт-БрэггЗадача - содействие профессиональному развитию сил специальных операций, обеспечивая обсуждение для экспертизы существующей доктрины и новых идей.

06 Breaking the Stigma of Behavioral Healthcare

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command recently reviewed policies and procedures concerning behavioral healthcare in an effort to remove any stigma associated with it.
10 Q&A: USSOCOM Commander Admiral McRaven
12 Special Operations Command Europe

Foreign internal defense or military-assistance training within the European Command area of operations is a wise and sound investment for U.S. special-operations forces.
16 CA Forces in CENTCOM
Civil Affairs Soldiers success in 2011 was based on its ability to partner with host-nation forces, both military and civilian. CA elements will need to continue to embrace the concept of partnering to be relevant and effective in their operations and activities.
29 SOC (Forward) Lebanon — SOF Campaigning Left of the Line
Special Operations Command (Forward) Lebanon supports theater special-operations command, geographic combatant commanders and country team goals and objectives.
31 Operationalizing Strategic Policy in Lebanon
The current strategy for success in Lebanon is built around increasing counterterrorism capacity and direct support of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.
04 From the Commandant
05 Update
35 Career Notes
36 Fitness
37 Book Review
38 Opinion

Смотри также
Категория: Special Warfare | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Special Warfare
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