

Air Defense Artillery Journal 2020 №2
29.08.2020, 18:54

Air Defense Artillery Journal

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Год / месяц: 2020/5-8
Номер: 2
Страниц: 44
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 9 MB

The Air Defense Artillery Journal serves as a forum for the discussions of all U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery professionals, Active, Reserves and National Guard; disseminates professional knowledge about progress, development and best use in campaigns; cultivates a common understanding of the power, limitations and application of Fires, both lethal and nonlethal; fosters Fires interdependency among the armed services, all of which contribute to the good of the Army, joint and combined forces and our nation.

3 Developing leaders and driving change
COL David Shank
6 The 2019 Air Defense surges
Lessons learned from competition and conflicts
MG Clement S. Coward and MAJ Joshua Urness
12 Getting ahead of the threat
A Patriot battalion’s journey to modernization
CPT Peter Williams
14 US Army’s newest Avenger
Master Gunner makes history
1LT Ashli Malone
16 Air Defense Soldier to be first female promoted to pinnacle rank
SGT Christopher J. Gallagher
18 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command remains ready to fight despite COVID-19
CPT Rachel Skalisky
20 263rd Army Air and Missile Defense Command conducts after-action review for COVID-19 response efforts
CPT William “Ed” Duvall
22 Not your typical Top Notch
1LT Nicholas Culbert
25 Air Defense forces return to Bragg after year of heightened tensions and pandemic
CPT Brandon Nalley
26 Military mentorship
Good versus great
COL Todd Schmidt, Ph.D
28 Training the shield arm
How U.S. Army Air Defense Forces are embracing Field Manual 3-0 and preparing for large-scale ground combat
COL Judson Gillett, MAJ Catalina Rosales, MAJ Brandon Thompson and MAJ Grady Stebbins
36 The Future of Air Defense Artillery
CPT David Lara
38 Future challenges for Air Defense
CPT Joshua H. Fergel
39 ADA Master Gunners
Historic traditions and future significance
SFC Aaron M. Smith
45 Manning the future force
LTC William Yund and SGM Jeremy R. Bennett
50 Air Defense Warrant Officer
Culture Campaign
CW5 Mitchell Brown
54 The Army Concept of Fires
Laying the foundation for the future
Andres Arreola, Lance Boothe and LTC Robert Reece
59 NATO allies continue to sustain readiness with Tobruq Arrows
By SGT Dommnique Washington

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