

Air Defense Artillery Journal 2020 №3
29.12.2020, 18:54

Air Defense Artillery Journal

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Год / месяц: 2020/9-12
Номер: 3
Страниц: 56
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 14 MB

The Air Defense Artillery Journal serves as a forum for the discussions of all U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery professionals, Active, Reserves and National Guard; disseminates professional knowledge about progress, development and best use in campaigns; cultivates a common understanding of the power, limitations and application of Fires, both lethal and nonlethal; fosters Fires interdependency among the armed services, all of which contribute to the good of the Army, joint and combined forces and our nation.

3 2020: A year in review
COL Richard A. Harrison
6 Total Force effort brings Soldiers home
CPT Brandon Nalley
8 23 seconds
CW3 George Case
13 Secretary of Defense visits E/3rd ADA
SGT Raquel Birk
15 Active Duty and National Guard Air Defenders train to prepare for the future of air and missile defense
CPT Brandon R. Nalley
16 Defeating the aerial threat in warfighter exercises
MAJ(R) Patrick Lowry, CPT Mary Jocelyn, CPT Justin Egner and 1LT Solomon Weschler
21 Air Defense Artillery year in review
22 The 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, Missile Away, Target Destroyed!
23 678th Air Defense Brigade, For Freedom, We Defend!
23 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, No Fear Battalion
24 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment (ADAR), We Attack Battalion
27 Air Defense dominates the USAREUR Best Warrior Soldier category two years running!
28 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command conducts a change of responsibility ceremony
29 US, Poland continue to grow Air Defense powerhouse
30 Swedish delegation visits US Soldiers in Baumholder
32 Joint Multinational Exercise validates aerial and ground force integration in Eastern Europe
34 NATO Air Defense Forces integrate in the Baltics
35 Keen Sword redefines integrated US-Japan Air, Missile Defense
37 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command change of command
38 Operation Hopscotch
39 Operation Crazy Train
40 Operation Kashmir
41 Operation Ballroom Blitz
42 Operation Thunderstruck
43 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Spartan Brigade
44 1st Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Panther Battalion
44 2nd Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Strike Fear Battalion
45 3rd Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Skystriker Battalion
46 94th AAMDC, Sea Dragons
47 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Dragon Brigade
48 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, Pacific Guardians
50 3rd Battalion, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, Lethal Strike Battalion
52 4th Battalion, 3rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment, I Strike
53 100th Missile Defense Brigade assures mission throughout 202

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