

Armor №1 2017
21.03.2017, 15:01


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Год / месяц: 2017/1-3

Номер: 1

Страниц: 81

Формат: PDF - 10 MB


ARMOR is a professional-development magazine published by the U.S. Army Armor School. The Chief of Armor provides the magazine as a forum for the Soldiers and leaders under his proponency to explain, digest or debate Army and Armor Branch doctrine, policy or other career-related issues or information. ARMOR focuses on Armor and Cavalry Soldiers up to the battalion and brigade level as well as on Army-wide concerns and issues that affect Armor and Cavalry formations.

4 In Memoriam: LTG Harold G. “Hal” Moore
Lisa Alley
7 Making Reconnaissance Guidance Say What You Think
CPT Luke C. Bowers
12 The Role of Reconnaissance Forces in the Counterattack
LTC Scott Pence
25 Looking Toward the Future: the U.S. Cavalry’s Role in
Multi-Domain Battle
MAJ Amos C. Fox
33 Trends in Defensive Operations
COL Esli T. Pitts
41 Tough Vehicles Require Tougher Crews
SSG David D. Lunebach and SSG Sean M. Leytham
45 Battle of Debal’tseve: the Conventional Line of Effort in Russia’s
Hybrid War in Ukraine
MAJ Amos C. Fox
60 Training and Doctrine Command’s Big 6+1 Capabilities
LTC Corey B. Chassé
64 Enhancing Shared Understanding within the Brigade’s
Operations Process
MAJ Richard Z. Groen
68 Applied Combined-Arms Maneuver at Company Level
1LT James T. Casey
72 Saving Future Gallons: Overview of New Field Manual 7-0
James L. Young Jr.

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