

Armor №2 2016
21.06.2016, 15:01


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Год / месяц: 2016/4-6

Номер: 2

Страниц: 69

Формат: PDF - 8 MB


ARMOR is a professional-development magazine published by the U.S. Army Armor School. The Chief of Armor provides the magazine as a forum for the Soldiers and leaders under his proponency to explain, digest or debate Army and Armor Branch doctrine, policy or other career-related issues or information. ARMOR focuses on Armor and Cavalry Soldiers up to the battalion and brigade level as well as on Army-wide concerns and issues that affect Armor and Cavalry formations.

5 Battalion-Level Execution of Operations for Combined-Arms Maneuver and
Wide-Area Security in a Decisive-Action Environment
LTC Harry “Zan” Hornbuckle and MAJ James D. Pritchett with contributions by Dr.
Thomas E. Ward
12 Brigade Combat Team Commander: How Do You Plan to Sustain a Partnered
Multinational Formation?
CPT William Russell Dean
16 Sustainment Considerations
CPT Jerad N. Hoffmann and CPT James W. Turner
21 Optimized Brigade Combat Team Main Command Post: Survivable and
Effective BCT CP Interim Solutions
CPT Chase S. Baker and LTC Scott C. Nauman
28 Armor Basic Officer Leader’s Course Redesign: Applying Adaptive Soldier/
Leader Training and Education
LTC Oscar Diano and retired LTC Kevin McEnery
32 Decision-Support Planning and Tools: Planning to Support Decision-Making
CPT Gary M. Klein and CPT Alan P. Hastings
40 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield: Company Commanders Must Do
Their Part
LTC James W. Welch and CPT M. David Riley
43 Integrating Cognitive Training for Performance Optimization
MAJ Thomas A. Whitehead, CPT Andrew J. Vogel and CPT Jared D. Wigton
47 Strength and Recovery: Reconditioning Our Army
COL Charles Masaracchia, CSM Daniel T. Hendrex, CPT Jason Cirolia, SFC Charles
M. Meecham and SPC Aura E. Sklenicka
52 What Am I Doing in Saudi Arabia?
MAJ Lance Brender


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