

Armor №4 2017
21.12.2017, 15:01


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Год / месяц: 2017/10-12

Номер: 4

Страниц: 70

Формат: PDF - 19 MB


ARMOR is a professional-development magazine published by the U.S. Army Armor School. The Chief of Armor provides the magazine as a forum for the Soldiers and leaders under his proponency to explain, digest or debate Army and Armor Branch doctrine, policy or other career-related issues or information. ARMOR focuses on Armor and Cavalry Soldiers up to the battalion and brigade level as well as on Army-wide concerns and issues that affect Armor and Cavalry formations.

6 Our Readiness Problem: Brigade Combat Team Lethality
LTC Bradford T. Duplessis
13 Initial Commander’s Critical Information Requirements and the 5
Common Command Decisions
COL Thomas M. Feltey and CPT Matthew G. Mattingly
17 A Solution Looking for a Problem: Illuminating Misconceptions in
Maneuver Warfare Doctrine
MAJ Amos C. Fox
27 Rethinking Aspects of Design and the Military Decision-Making
MAJ Gary M. Klein and MAJ John M. Nimmons
36 Maximizing the Benefits of Digital Ranges
Samuel Epstein
42 The Rehearsal Is the Thing!
CPT Luke C. Bowers
46 Make Reporting Routine Again
CPT Nicolas J. Fiore
53 Improving Casualty Evacuation for Our Next Decisive-Action Fight
CPT David W. Draper
58 Return of the Fighting Executive Officer
1LT Matthew Rohrback

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