

Surface Warfare Magazine 2011 Vol. 36 No. 3
27.09.2011, 21:04

Surface Warfare Magazine

Год / месяц: 2011/7-9
 Номер: Vol. 36 No. 3
Страниц: 48
 Формат: PDF - 6.66 MB
 Surface Warfare Magazine- (Борьба с надводными целями ) - журнал надводных сил ВМС США U.S. Navy’s Surface Forces

Navy Boot Camp Continues to Evolve After 100 Years. 5
Recruit Training Command’s new tools for making Sailors
Training Support Center: Experiences of a Commanding Officer. 8
Reflecting on a sea change in training
A History of Naval Station Great Lakes, 1911-2011. 10
Celebrating 100 years on the lakes
SWOS Celebrates 50 Years of Top-Notch Training. 13
Professional development, Newport style, marks 50 years
SWOS Training Integration Reaches New Heights. 15
Maintaining the cutting edge of naval education
NCPACE Helps Sailors Pursue Education Goals . 18
Distance learning for those hard-to-reach places
Professional Military Education in the Surface Warrior’s Hands. 20
Masters of the fleet from the Naval War College (and JPME)
Counter-Piracy, A Combined Effort . 22
Combating piracy on the Indian Ocean requires a comprehensive approach
Countdown to Launch. 24
What it takes to be in place at the start of Operation Odyssey Dawn
Ship in the Spotlight: USS Germantown. 25
From INSURV to Operation Tomodachi
A New Preservation Society. 28
Reorganization provides crews with fresh maintenance tools
Choose Your Rate: Fire Controlman (Aegis). 30
Vital to mission success
You’ve Got Orders: Naval Station Great Lakes. 32
The inside scoop for recruits, instructors, and support staff
This Sailor’s Navy. 34
OS1(SW) Thomas Ross welcomes the recruits
Managing Off-Duty Risk for Summer Success. .. . 36
Staying safe away from wor
2 Message from Commander
3 Director’s Corner
4 Inside SW
38 Book Review
40 Fit for Duty
41 Ship Shape
42 Views from the Fleet
44 Notice to Mariners


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