

Surface Warfare Magazine 2012 Winter
28.03.2012, 20:37

Surface Warfare Magazine

Год / месяц: 2012/1-3
 Номер: Winter
Страниц: 48
 Формат: PDF - 5.07 MB
 Surface Warfare Magazine- (Борьба с надводными целями ) - журнал надводных сил ВМС США U.S. Navy’s Surface Forces

Retooling Sailors. 5
NAMTS program offers fleet superior maintenance training
An Ultra Endeavor, Together.  . 6
The modular construction and delivery of Zumwalt
Systems of Change.  . .8
Inside DDG 1000’s new engineering, computing, and weapon systems
Life at Sea Aboard DDG 1000.  .10
Crew manning, watchstanding, and quality of life
Partners in the Fight. .. .12
Navy and Missile Defense Agency team up
Taking a Phased Approach. . .14
Aegis ships fill growing defense needs in Europe
Moving Aegis Ashore . .. .17
Plans to widen the European Phased Adaptive Approach shield
Aegis Training and Readiness Center. 18
Preparing the Ballistic Missile Defense team
Testing the Limits of Aegis BMD . 20
Paul Hamilton helps chart the course
NECC Pushes into the Future with Tailored Force Plans. 22
Expanding capabilities to ensure a global reach
Griffin Incoming. .. .24
LCS’ modular design supports Navy’s near- and long-term needs
Reinvigorating the Navy’s Amphibious Workhorses. 26
Mid-life modernizations keep dock landing ships in the fight
The Water-Filled “Wind Tunnel”. 28
Ship testing in the large cavitation channel
The War of 1812 and Today. 30
Commemoration highlights parallels with our naval forebears
This Sailor’s Navy. 32
Ensign Alexander Brown “STOs” his thoughts
You’ve Got Orders. . .34
Naval Support Facility Dahlgren
Choose Your Rate . 36
The secret life of Navy CTs
2 Message from Commander
4 Director’s Corner
5 Inside SW
39 Book Review
40 Safety
41 Fit for Duty
42 Views from the Fleet
44 Notice to Mariners
45 Changes of Command

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Категория: ВМФ | Добавил: pentagonus | Теги: Surface Warfare, SW
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