

Surface Warfare Magazine 2012 Spring Vol. 37
28.06.2012, 20:56

Surface Warfare Magazine

Год / месяц: 2012/4-6
 Номер: Spring 2012 Vol. 37
Страниц: 48
 Формат: PDF - 6.35 MB
 Surface Warfare Magazine- (Борьба с надводными целями ) - журнал надводных сил ВМС США U.S. Navy’s Surface Forces

8 Force shaping is Ever
one’s Business    Managing the Navy’s “Right fit” is an all hands effort
9 Enlisted Retention
Board Sailors Offered
Silver Lining
Time is on their side, but opportunity won’t last forever
11 Early Retirement
Option Available to
Qualifying Sailors    Navy implements TERA for eligible
ERB Sailors
11 Navy Reserves Still
Choose to stay Navy—again
13 Transition Program
Offers One-on-One
TAMP goes beyond usual out processing routines
14 Navy Support
Centers are a First
Stop Resource for
Transitions    Many programs like TAP and CONSEP are offered worldwide
14 The Life of A
A look inside the daily workings of this weighty responsibility
16 Acce pting the
Challenge of the U.S.
Naval Ac ademy    Easier options available don’t deter these motivated candidates
18 Forging Officers in a
Civilian Environment    NROTC midshipman adapt to two different worlds simultaneously
20 Off icer Candidate
School by the Numbers    The rigors of candidate training effectively creates leaders
22 Surface Navigation
Goes Virtu al
Old meets new in this revitalized navigation course
23 Off icer Embraces
Opportun ity to Support
Australia’s Aegis
Commander transits the globe for a rewarding tour
25 Naval War College
Offers Compressed
Course to Operational
Shortened courses provide crucial knowledge
26 The Navy Reserves
Offer SWOs Continued
Opportun ities    Flexibility, family, and service are incentives for going Reserve
In The Fleet
28 Le ading from the
Front    The Mission of a 21st Century Surface
Force Master Chief
29 Bold Alligator 2012
Integrates Today’s
Fight with Today’s Forces
Canadian, French and U.S. Marine
Corps Forces join largest amphibious exercise in ten years
32 Surface Navy
Association Symposium 2012
Annual SNA Symposium Addresses
Future of the Surface Navy
33 DDG 1000 in Progress    Composite Deckhouse nears completion
35 Reserve Sailors
Support Littoral
Combat Mission    Ready now, anytime, anywhere

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