

Air Force Magazine №10 2017
02.11.2017, 20:41

Air Force Magazine

Год / месяц: 2017/12

Номер: 10

Страниц: 68

Формат: PDF - 13 MB (Read online)


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США


18 Out of Africa
By Jennifer Hlad
USAF teams and the Nigerian armed forces led an aeromedical evacuation exercise with African partner nations.
20 Mobility Guardian
By Brian W. Everstine
This was not AMC’s first rodeo, but it was the biggest.
26 Like a Phoenix
By Amy McCullough
Israel Del Toro became the first airman to ever return from 100 percent disability.
31 Commemorating USAF’s 100Year Units
Research by Mike Tsukamoto and Daniel L. Haulman
A pullout poster commemorating USAF units that can trace their history back 100 years.
34 Heading To a TX
by John A. Tirpak
The T-38 is increasingly ill-suited for training 21st century pilots.
40 The Rise of AFSOC’s Special Tactics
By Wilson Brissett
A handful of incredibly skilled airmen have proved critical in the war on terror.
44 Global Reach, Through Tankers
By Wilson Brissett
Photos from the collection of Warren Thompson Aerial refueling gives the Air Force worldwide reach.
52 They Owned the Night
By Rebecca Grant
The P-61 Black Widow o’ ered a glimpse of modern nighttime combat.
58 The Neutron Bomb
By John T. Correll
It is almost forgotten today, but the enhanced radiation warhead was a blazing international issue in the 1970s

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