

Air Force Magazine №9 2017
02.09.2017, 12:29

Air Force Magazine

Год / месяц: 2017/10-11

Номер: 9

Страниц: 116

Формат: PDF - 43 MB (view)


Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США


30 Fuel From the Desert
By Brian W. Everstine
USAF's tankers make the air war possible.
36 Revitalizing the Squadron
By Wilson Brissett
Squadrons, the heart and soul of the Air Force, have been under unrelenting strain. USAF seeks to fix that.
42 The Space Corps Question
By Wilson Brissett
Depending on whom you ask, the time to create a new Space Corps separate from the Air Force is now.
Or not now.
46 Their New Normal
By Amy McCullough
The Warrior Games give wounded,ill, and injured airmen and their caregivers a vi tal community of support.
52 The Reunification Option
By James Kitfield
With the US and North Korea on a collision course that would threaten Pyongyang's survival, some experts are thinking anew about reunifying the peninsula.
58 Devastation and Inspiration
By Tara Copp
Security forces airman Brian Kolfage survived injuries difficult to comprehend.
65 Rebooting the AOC Upgrade
By Gideon Gruda
USAF must modernize the software underpinning its ops centers. This has been easier said than done.
68 Rolling Thunder
By John T. Correll
Air Force and Navy ai rmen carried the war deep into North Vietnam.
79 Banding Together
By Rebecca Grant
USAF's bands build bridges, boost morale-but a re constantly questioned.
84 Outstanding Airmen of the Year
The Air Force Outstanding Airmen of the Year program annually recognizes 12 enlisted members.
88 USAF Leadership
Compiled by Chequita Wood An Air Force Magazine photochart.
98 Turning Point at Stalingrad
By John T. Correll
It was the biggest, most costly battle
in the history of warfare. Hitler lost the strategic initiative there and never rega ined it.
104 The One-Way Nuclear Mission
By John Lowery
During the Cold War, some Air Force fighter pilots had more firepower than range.

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