

Air Force Magazine №8 2017
01.08.2017, 11:49

Air Force Magazine

Год / месяц: 2017/9
Номер: 8
Страниц: 76
Формат: PDF - 25 MB

Air Force Magazine - журнал  Ассоциации военнослужащих и ветеранов ВВС США

20 Building Momentum in Afghanistan
By Brian W. Everstine
USAF advisors work with everyone from line pilots to the Afghan Defense Ministry in the long war against ISIS and the Taliban.
26 On the Brink of Competition
By Wilson Brissett
The Air Force is as close as it has ever been to a legitimately competitive launch services program.
32 United States Air Force: 70 Years in Pictures
By John A. Tirpak and Mike Tsukamoto
A compilation of photos representing each year since the Air Force was established.
46 SLEP Through the Cracks
By John A. Tirpak
The F-15 and F-16 need service life extension programs. What’s needed, and how long should they keep flying?
50 A Kill By Any Other Domain
By Brick Eisel
Red Flag still evokes images of aerial combat, but space and cyber capabilities are an increasingly important aspect of the training.
54 No Shelter Required
By Wilson Brissett
Combat Controller Christopher Baradat earned an Air Force Cross by ensuring 200 coalition troops survived an ambush in Afghanistan.
He left shelter to coordinate air strikes from a courtyard and vehicle running board.
62 Last Tango in Potsdam
By John T. Correll
When WW II ended in Europe, the Big Three no longer shared a common purpose.

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