

Armor №2 2020
18.06.2020, 08:50


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Год / месяц: 2020/6

Номер: 2

Страниц: 77

Формат: PDF - 10 MB


ARMOR is a professional-development magazine published by the U.S. Army Armor School. The Chief of Armor provides the magazine as a forum for the Soldiers and leaders under his proponency to explain, digest or debate Army and Armor Branch doctrine, policy or other career-related issues or information. ARMOR focuses on Armor and Cavalry Soldiers up to the battalion and brigade level as well as on Army-wide concerns and issues that affect Armor and Cavalry formations.

4 Back to the Future: Unit Training Management
GEN Paul E. Funk II
8 Army Modernization in Next-Generation Vehicles Will Change
the Battlefield
MAJ Cory W. Wallace, MAJ George M. Morris, MAJ Scott Stephens and
MAJ Shawn D. Pardee
14 Robots and Reconnaissance: We May Never Be Stealthy and
Deliberate Again
COL J. Frederick Dente and CPT Timothy Lee
18 Fire and Maneuver in the Cyberspace Domain
COL Michael D. Schoenfeldt, CPT Matthew L. Tyree and CPT William “Bill” Malcolm
26 Reconnaissance in the Multi-National Environment: Successful Integration of Allies and Partners into the Reconnaissance Fight
CPT Jordan L. Woodburn and CPT Scott A. Drake
31 Defense of Harmony Church: 1-81 Armor Training in Coronavirus-19 Conditions
LTC Bradley Nelson and CSM Brandon Petersen
35 Enablers at Echelon: Scouts and Mortars Task-Organized to a Maneuver Company
CPT Stephen J. Cumby
39 On the Headquarters
MAJ Amos C. Fox
44 Security-Force Assistance Brigades Looking for a Few Good Soldiers
MAJ Karl M. Harness
47 Gas! Gas! Gas! I’ve Buttoned Up; Now What?
COL Esli Pitts and CPT Meaghan Kelly
55 Improving Supply-Support-Activity Operations
LTC Charles L. Montgomery
1 Contacts
2 Chief of Armor’s Hatch
3 Gunner’s Seat
58 Battle Analysis
64 From the Boresight Line
66 Book Reviews
74 Featured Unit: 73rd Cavalry Regiment

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