Joint Force Quarterly
Год / месяц: 2016/7-9
Номер: 82
Страниц: 136
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF - 5 MB
Joint Force Quarterly - Ежеквартальный Журнал Министерства обороны США
2 From the Chairman
4 Executive Summary
6 Securing the Third Offset Strategy: Priorities for the Next Secretary of Defense
By Timothy A. Walton
16 Twenty-First Century Information Warfare and the Third Offset Strategy
By James R. McGrath
24 Avoiding Becoming a
Paper Tiger: Presence in a Warfighting Defense Strategy
By Elbridge Colby and
Jonathan F. Solomon
JPME Today
33 Switching the Paradigm from Reactive to Proactive: Stopping Toxic Leadership
By Mike Rybacki and Chaveso Cook
40 Measuring Strategic Deterrence:
A Wargaming Approach
By Douglas R. Ducharme
47 A Way Ahead for DOD Disaster Preparedness
By Frank C. DiGiovanni
54 The U.S. Pacific Command Response to Super Typhoon Haiyan
By Thomas Parker, Sean P.
Carroll, Gregg Sanders, Jason E. King, and Imes Chiu 62 #SocialMediaMatters: Lessons Learned from
Exercise Trident Juncture
By Gregory M. Tomlin
68 China’s Goldwater- Nichols? Assessing PLA Organizational Reforms
By Phillip C. Saunders and Joel Wuthnow
76 What It Means to Be Expeditionary: A Look at the French Army in Africa
By Michael Shurkin
86 Sharpening Our Cultural Tools for Improved Global Health Engagement
By Suzanne Leclerc-Madlala and Maysaa Alobaidi
91 The Primacy of COG in Planning: Getting Back to Basics
By Steven D. Kornatz
98 Abandon Ship: Interagency Decisionmaking During the Mayaguez Incident
By Richard B. Hughes
Book Reviews
106 National Insecurity and What Good Is Grand Strategy?
Reviewed by Brian C. Collins
108 Blood Year
Reviewed by Thomas C. Greenwood
110 The U.S.-China Military Scorecard and China’s Military Power
Reviewed by Thomas McNaugher
Joint Doctrine
112 The Multinational Interoperability Council: Enhancing Coalition Operations
By Michelle L. Pryor, Thomas Labouche, Mario Wilke, and Charles C. Pattillo, Jr.
118 The Tao of Doctrine: Contesting an Art of Operations
By G. Stephen Lauer
125 Joint Engineers Launch New Knowledge-Based Management Program
By Brian E. Griffin
128 JPME II Available at Satellite Sites
By Kenneth Pisel
132 Joint Doctrine Update
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